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Live Effortlessly with Smart Home Control

A living area with shades half-drawn over windows that look out over the ocean.

Manage Your Home with One Touch

Do you ever think about the mundane daily tasks we automatically do? They've become such a part of our routine that we barely notice them. When we enter a room, we flip a switch to turn the lights on. When we leave for the day, we ensure the lights and TVs are off and adjust the thermostat. 

When the sun shines on our computer screen, we rise from our chair to lower the shades and then open them at the end of the day to enjoy another beautiful sunset in Palm Beach, FL. We settle in to watch a movie with our family, only to realize we’re missing the remote. And so it goes. 

Smart home control simplifies these daily tasks and much more. Press an elegant keypad or tap an icon on a touchscreen, and you can manage all the systems in your home. Check the touchscreen to see what lights or AV equipment are on, and then turn them off with one touch. Tap the "Dinner" button, and the lights in the dining room turn the color of firelight while your “Dining by Candlelight” playlist streams through your home.

A smart home redefines the true essence of luxury living. Let's explore some of the features transforming our clients' lives.

How to Live a Life of Luxury & Convenience in Your Home


Learn How a Crestron Dealer Can Transform Your Home and Living Experience

Do you enjoy the finer things in life? Creature comforts like a luxury home, a new car, fancy furniture, an expansive wardrobe, high-tech gadgets, and exotic vacations add more enjoyment to your lifestyle. But even if you have all of those, you may be missing out on one of the most life-changing technologies in our world today – and that’s smart home automation. It may seem like an overstatement, but it’s true!

Smart home technology adds a level of convenience and luxury to your life like nothing else. Unless you try it, you won’t know what you’re missing. In this blog, we’ll highlight how Audio Command Systems, a Crestron dealer in Los Angeles, CA, can take luxurious living to a whole new level. Keep reading for the details.

Elevate Your Lifestyle with Smart Home Design


3 Ways Smart Home Technology Can Improve Your Living Experience

Where would your life be without technology? If asked that question 100 years ago, most people would say they’d get along just fine without it. Certainly, early inventions like electricity, cars, and television added value to people’s lives, but most could have lived without them if necessary. Today, things are much different! In fact, our society would grind to a halt without technology.

Advancements in medicine, computers, renewable energy, and smart home technology have been completely integrated into our lives in ways our 20th-century ancestors could have never imagined. Technology improves how we live, communicate, learn, grow, and enjoy life.

Even though you use technology all the time – sometimes without thinking about it – you might not be taking full advantage of it in your home. Smart home design elevates your lifestyle to complete luxury and convenience. If you don’t have smart home automation in your Palm Beach County, FL home, then keep reading this blog. We’ll focus on three ways it gives you seamless control for sophisticated living.

More Than Smart – Crestron Is A Versatile Smart Home Solution


Innovative Smart Home Design Meets Pure Customization with Crestron Home

Have you ever bought a home you loved, only to realize later it wasn’t as loveable as you thought? For instance, the common spaces (i.e., living room, kitchen, and dining area) weren’t big enough for your growing family. Perhaps the unique room designs, while appealing at first, became impractical or odd. Unfortunately, that’s what happens when you buy a prebuilt home – one that isn’t customized to suit your needs. Invariably, you’ll end up having to make changes.

Audio Command Systems wants to help you avoid this problem when selecting a smart home system. Instead of locking yourself into something that doesn’t grow with your future needs, consider a smart home design that is perfectly customizable and scalable. In this blog, we’ll show you how Crestron Home is your solution for a versatile smart home experience in West Palm Beach, FL. Keep reading to find out more!

The Top 4 Smart Home Trends for 2021


How Custom Home Integration Adds More Enjoyment and Luxury to Your Life

It seems like every year a product is developed that improves our day-to-day lives. Whether it’s the latest iPhone or Android release, a better smart car, or a medical breakthrough, new inventions create opportunities for us to live healthier, happier, and longer. One of the most notable industries that is rapidly expanding with emerging tech is the smart home sector. Recent advances in home technology are enriching the lives of more and more homeowners.

In this blog, we’ll focus on four smart home trends for 2021. These technologies, among many others, help to add more luxury, convenience, and fun to your life. Keep reading to see the custom home integration products you need in your Boca Raton, FL, home.

Unlock the Potential of Smart Home Automation


Did You Know You Can Control Your Smart Home These Four Ways? 

Human behavior is versatile. That is, we interact with our surroundings and respond to events in different ways. No day is exactly the same as the next. Therefore, your actions and reactions are always unique in one way or another. How does this relate to interacting with your smart home? A truly customized and high-end smart home automation system should offer more than one method of control.

While using a touchpad is more convenient than manually adjusting lights, turning on the TVs, or controlling the motorized window treatments, you have other options as well. Keep reading to discover all four ways you can take control of your New York, NY, home or apartment.

5 Home Office Technology Tools You Need


Impress Your Team With Optimized Conferences, Superior Automation Tools and Flattering Lighting Design!

According to a Gartner study released in July, more than 80% of company leaders surveyed said their organizations plan to permit employees to work remotely at least part of the time upon reopening from the novel coronavirus pandemic. This shows a large uptick even from last year, when telecommuting still looked like a “nice-to-have” benefit instead of a necessity.

Though many love the flexibility of working from home, the setup comes with challenges. Suddenly, you don’t have the enterprise-grade network, AV conferencing technology or high-end lighting that your workplace provided. Nor do you have an IT support person to call when your presentation doesn’t appear on the screen. At ACS, we install home office technology that streamlines your devices and automates many processes to keep this transition as smooth and easy as possible. Keep reading for some tools we recommend.

3 Unexpected Rooms to Add to Your Distributed Audio Setup


Uncover Some Can’t-Miss Spaces Where Listening Comes Naturally

If you’ve been visiting our blog page for a while, you’ve probably landed on content describing multi-room audio within a familiar context - the home theater, maybe a distributed listening space, a living room or an outdoor party area. But what if we told you that your distributed audio could expand far beyond these conventional settings and reach lesser-known rooms?

Your Los Angeles, CA, home has countless audio opportunities throughout, so we recommend enhancing each space with your music, podcasts and more. We’ll show you three underserved rooms that will be transformed once you press play.

A Day in the Life with Smart Home Control

contemporary open concept dining and living room overlooking a patio with outdoor kitchen

Everyone Wants to Add Convenience to Daily Living

The concept of a smart home has been around for over half a century. Before the turn of the century, there were many iterations and predictions about the “home of the future” in TV shows like The Jetsons and movies like Disney’s The Smart House. But now that smart homes have become commonplace, we can say that not every pop culture prediction was correct.

Now, smart home control gives homeowners in New York and beyond a simple solution to a sophisticated series of connected devices. One tap, and your home will respond! Keep reading below to see what a day in the life looks like in a smart home.

Building A New Home? Don’t Forget Smart Home Automation!


Discover How a New Smart Home Improves Your Entire Way of Life

Have you ever finished a project and then realized you forgot something after completion? Perhaps you painted a wall but didn’t spackle the holes. Or maybe you wrapped Christmas presents but forgot to put names on the packages. You could have even bought a house but forgot (or avoided) a home inspection. Instead of getting surprised by the unexpected, it’s always better to plan well in advance.

This is certainly true when it relates to new home builds and smart home automation. Smart technology elevates your lifestyle in your New York, NY, home or luxury apartment, but you need to think ahead before building. It saves time, money, and frustration – and ensures a robust and reliable system. Keep reading to see what you can enjoy when you make your home smart!

The Crestron Home: A Leading Smart Home Automation System


Discover How Crestron Makes Smart Home Living More Enjoyable and Convenient

Crestron has been a trusted leader in the home automation industry for more than 50 years. Their smart home automation system is sophisticated yet simple to use, giving homeowners in New York, NY, one-touch control of every connected technology in their homes. In addition, the system works beautifully with any number of voice assistants, so you can simply say a phrase, and your home responds!

Now, the Crestron Home™ makes your home even more attractive, comfortable, entertaining, and safe. It’s a robust and state-of-the-art smart home system that is engineered to become invisible, so what remains is an amazing experience. Keep reading to discover several ways Crestron adds ease, comfort, and enjoyment to your life.

Smart Home Integrations, Servicing: NYC, Hamptons, CT, FL, and CA

Audio Command Systems Lutron Black Diamond Dealer 2025 Award Image

Client Testimonials:
Exceptional Smart Home Solutions

Exceptional Service for Luxury Home Integration

"It was a pleasure working with ACS. To be quite honest (as I always am…) working with ACS was the best experience working with any AV/Home Automation company in my entire tenure here at Hobbs. "

- Jerry Cobaugh, Hobbs Inc.

Seamless Smart Home Transformation in the Hamptons

"In today’s world, with frequent technology changes and the need or desire to integrate a number of functions, I loved working with ACS because they made the time to explain the options, price them appropriately, install them right, educate us to the proper use and follow-up as needed."

- Bob Hurst

Personalized Smart Home Solutions That Exceed Expectations

"I more than whole-heartedly endorse Audio Command Systems and its technicians and especially Michael Pittman without whose invaluable design suggestions our system would not be as individualized and easily operable as it is. The entire installation experience and subsequent enjoyment was and is immeasurable.

- Marc Desiderio

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